
Is Your Company Prepared for a Crisis? Expert Tips To Get Started

There has never been a more challenging time for businesses from a reputation management perspective. Social media, online review sites, a hyper-partisan, organized political environment and customers and employees with access to digital publishing platforms have all combined to create challenges for brands that companies couldn’t have even imagined a few years ago.

It is more important than ever that businesses be prepared to rapidly respond to any crisis situation. GroundFloor Media’s Gil Rudawsky offers 10 communication tips to help companies prepare for and manage a crisis. The video, created in partnership with business insurance broker, IMA Financial Group, details how businesses, organizations or individuals can weather a communications storm, protect their reputations and maintain business continuity.

A well-managed crisis can actually build trust among stakeholders, and can make the road to reputational recovery much smoother and quicker. Gil and his colleagues on the GroundFloor Media Rapid Response team work with a variety of clients across a number of industries, helping manage strategy and communications surrounding issues as diverse as COVID-19, workplace shootings, executive malfeasance, foodborne illnesses and class-action lawsuits.

Gil offers a crisis communication toolbox, including best practices such as having an updated crisis plan, identifying key audiences, preparing for social media fallout and taking the high road in your response. He highlights the importance of maintaining the principles of authenticity, accuracy, compassion, immediacy and trust.

For additional information about our Crisis Communication and Reputation Management practice, check us out online or get in touch with us directly.